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The beginning of Mrs Medicinal

Updated: Aug 19, 2022

Welcome to the beginning of Mrs Medicinal and where it all truly began.

When I was younger, I had extensive trauma. I watched physical fights, constant moving from NJ to FL and back & never having a sense of stability, drugs, abuse, teen pregnancies and so much more just in my family alone. By the age of 6, my biological mother had left and abandoned our family which at the time consists of my dad and my older brother. My older four siblings were all adults by that time and moved on with their lives in their own way. This abandonment wound stuck with me for a long time. Once this situation occurred and it was just my dad, my brother and I, we actually had a pretty stable life moving forward. While my dad was a single father and had to work extremely hard just to get by, we did indeed grow up in poverty and never really knowing what it was liked to have a fully stocked fridge or anything of the sort but we got by and he did his best. So my upbringing wasn't easy by any means, my brother was deeply angry from my moms choices (whom he never spoke to again after) he took his anger out on me. Abusing me mentally, emotionally & physically. While I digress this made me tough, it also caused significant abuse since my dad was rarely ever around due to needing to work to provide for us he was unavailable to mitigate or handle situations.

Eventually down the line, I did reconnect with my biological mother as a teen and learned of her deep mental illness and true inability to be a mother. I was happy to connect with her tho and understand her, which was always my biggest question "How can a loving mother abandon their child and basically Never talk to them again?" Eventually my biological mother passed away from a drug overdose meanwhile, 4/5 of the rest of my siblings were battling addiction.

Throughout my life, I was seen as a "picky eater" but ultimately I had no appetite and truly had an eating disorder that went incredibly overlooked. Overtime, I started leading into acts of self sabotage. Bare with me, this preface is just as important as me coming into my empowerment if not the most important part of the story. I spent most of my teen years smoking weed, drinking to get drunk, partying and looking for acceptance and desire in boys. Through that I put myself in situation after situation of danger, abuse, rape & just downright self abusive environments.

In my teens my dad was diagnosed with Leukemia and it rocked my world. While he had met my step mom when I was 10 (actually on my birthday & Father's Day), I was so frightened to lose my Only biological parent. I was incredibly close with my dad, while he was emotionally unavailable he was my only safe feeling place. He was a pretty stocky guy, Italian to his core and tough. He was seriously so strong mentally and emotionally alone, to deal with what he had gone through with my other 5 siblings. My dad watching his father pass from cancer after months of chemo, refused chemotherapy and placed his trust in god. My step mom was incredibly naturally minded. the cute little holistic nurse who brought me tea with honey & lemon when I was sick and would refuse to drink because "it was gross" LOL She lead my dad on a holistic path on healing his cancer and maintaining wellness. While my dad, taurus and strong Italian was stubborn to make change he did implement a lot of what she showed him. He even went to an Integrative Healing Center in Florida and got served up fresh raw juice & utilizing treatments from the 50s like Blood irradiation treatments. My dad lived with his cancer for about ten years. I truly believe in the end it was his emotions that took him out. Its actually been a catalyst in understanding how our emotions and our mental constructs play a role in our physical health.

See my Journey isn't just rooted in this "wow we got sick so we healed" its rooted in a lifetime of wanting to have deep understanding and seeing beyond what most people see and playing connect the dots, asking the questions people wouldn't dare think or even consider asking. Through the process I've been able to learn and implement deep healing process. which leads me to be grateful for my experiences, which is why Im open to share them here, with you.

Over a year before I conceived our first child, I woke up one morning, decided to go into a Rehab program and that was it for me with drugs. After leading years of addiction I woke up 86lbs and determined there was more to life than getting drunk & high all the time.

At just over a year clean, I conceived our first baby Landon Thomas on Christmas Eve.

He was my little blessing and completely changed our world. My body was incredibly toxic on its own due to my prior eating disorder (nutrient deficinecy) and all the drugs I used. Even all of what I was prescribed well dealing with my mental health. Landon's pregnancy was very hard. I dealt with bronchitis, costochondritis, HG (hyperemesis gravidarum), yeast infection, severe constipation & heartburn and just down right my hardest pregnancy. I was seriously sick the entire time and dealing with toxic overload & inflammation. We know this played a factor in Landons health as well. Landon was a very sick baby, he too, dealt with severe constipation, reflux and colic. He rarely slept and he was an incredibly "difficult baby." eventually At 16 months old Landon succumbed to a severe vaccine injury which only made his life and our lives dramatically worse. Ill go way more deep into Landon's story in a future blog.

At 8 months postpartum we conceived our sweet little Ella Bean and while I didn't deal with a ton of inflammation I was still incredibly toxic and sick ALL THE TIME. I sometimes wonder how I had such a healthy baby while I was still so sick. especially compared to Landon, he was so sick and she was still so healthy. no constipation & such a good sleeper!

After I had Ella I became chronically ill and doctors all presumed I had MS but since I was against invasive procedures and didn't want to expose my nervous system to more things that could weaken it I was determined to figure it out on my own but ultimately they knew I hit every symptom/aspect of MS to that point. I was dealing with severe constipation, issues with my bladder, chronic alternating pain that left me bedridden, I was losing my vision and couldnt be anywhere near sunlight or LED lights, headaches/migraines, severe anxiety and depression and so much more. Through Landons healing journey we had switch to a AI Paleo diet, we didn't see much progress. I basically stayed constipated through all of this no matter what, I saw ZERO changes for myself with the paleo diet. Landon empowered TF out of me. He made me so determined in healing him and myself. I knew what we were experiencing was not normal and was so determined to figure it out. I had a deep faith in god & that we could heal. I KNEW we could.

I changed to a fully raw diet overnight and went through extensive detox. At this point Landon was already on herbs, parasite cleansing, trying supplement after supplement etc he was making progress but it wasn't huge. after 5 days of me on a fully raw diet I knew we needed to implement these methods for Landon. he was actually on a parasite cleanse at the time so it was the perfect time. there is no diet more powerful during a parasite cleanse then a raw diet which starves parasites of their normal desires and food.


It truly lead me on a journey of truly cleaning out the toxic build up in our bodies and truly healing not just the constant supression methods you see pushed out into the natural world and most of us buy into them because were desperate to heal while seeing minimal changes and overtime those symptoms reoccurring.

I have not had MS symptoms since 2016. Through cleaning out my intestinal tract and healing my glands I was able to reverse my non existent appetite issues and heal my eating disorder.

I do not deal with any of the symptoms I was once dealing with, even tho healing can take a long time and there's other areas of my body that have needed support and attention but through healing a chronic ailment for myself and my child I learned how to truly support the body systems with plants & herbal wisdom. Its a wonderful feeling to no longer be chronically ill and know what to use to continue to support my body to regenerate and strengthen,

Landon while suppressed into symptoms of autism, sensory disorder, severe anxiety, depression, severe intestinal weakness, glandular weakness and nervous system weakness is healthy and thriving today no longer dealing with any of these issues.

Landon is my true journey to healing but through his healing I started to learn about cancer, I started to learn about the emotional aspect of healing & how our mentality can have an affect on our ability to heal. I started growing strong spirituality in understanding god and the power of healing through an intuitive spiritual relationship with god. Allowing god to be the guide of the journey and direct me where I need to go. Using my strong intuitive direction of gods guidance to truly be the guide on our journey & lead me to the answers I needed to know. I learned the truth of addiction and the core of generational trauma. I learned to heal these.

My family is messed up and entirely dysfunctional, i've been told my whole life I wouldn't become much because I didn't fall for the traditional schooling scam and did crappy in the system. Really in the end I realized I'm smarter than most. I'm able to question the norm and do something different. Im able to heal my generational lining and my kids today show that.

There is so much to my story I could never include in one blog post and the purpose of this post was to show how I got somewhere here, in my journey. The true healers of this world are going to be the self healers. The true healers will be the ones who have gone through the depths and have healed themselves, their children & their family lineage with no professional help from doctors. I knew deeply the answers I wanted to know and needed to find would never be found through the allopathic system that only ever caused harm, which gave me the strength to truly heal.

Today we live with no chronic ailments, We conceived our sweet Fruit loving Theodore after years of cleansing and had a phenomenal healthy high raw herbal wild pregnancy followed with an unassisted birth at home. He's our healthiest child! We are currently on our fourth pregnancy in the same manner as Theodore & planning another unassisted pregnancy.

I want anyone to come to my page looking for help to know, there's someone that has been through it and can be a beacon of hope for others to heal. To show people there is a way to TRULY heal. To show people healing can really happen for you! To be the help and guide these people need.

Healing is bioindividual which is why I offer clients Iridology analysis to actually see where their areas of weakness are and to actually focus on strengthening and healing these areas. There is no one perfect protocol that is designed for multiple people. The perfect protocol for you is the one designed for you!

I hope this blog resonated and helped you to understand my journey a little more and how I ended up here, helping others being truly rooted in healing. Appreciate everyone who takes the time to read our "long story short" journey!

Mrs Medicinal

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